Welcome to Temple Sinai
Your Contemporary Conservative Synagogue
Interested in becoming a part of Temple Sinai?
About Temple Sinai
We’re a warm and welcoming congregation where your voice is heard and your presence makes a difference. Celebrate Judaism with traditional, egalitarian services, family, food and fun, as you engage in in meaningful social action and adult education activities. You’ll enjoy a fulfilling spiritual and social life at Temple Sinai!
What’s Happening at Temple Sinai
School Supply Drive
Please help us collect supplies for the Lynn Public Schools! We are collecting all August! For details, please call the temple office.
Current Events
Torah from Sinai
- Friday, September 27, 2024 / 24 Elul 5784One of the ‘prayers’ we most associate with this season of teshuva is not really a prayer at all. During slichot – which is this coming Saturday evening [8:00pm desert, 8:30pm Slichot at Temple Sinai] – we recite ‘The 13 Attributes’…which is a slightly edited version of the Torah’s quoting God giving a self-description of the qualities God has and uses to manage the world. We then repeatedly recite ‘The 13 Attributes’ during our High Holiday services.
Service Times
Friday – 6pm
Saturday – 9:30am
Saturday – 9am & 7pm
Monday – 7:30am & 7pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday* – 7:30am & 7pm
*Tuesday-Thursday minyans Held at Congregation Shirat Hayam, Swampscott
Identity, friendship, spirituality and bonding are the hallmarks of Temple Sinai’s Sisterhood.
Our Brotherhood fosters fellowship throughout the congregation and the greater North Shore with a book club and a variety of programs.