The Officers and Directors of Temple Sinai are elected for two-year terms, and are responsible for the leadership and administration of Temple Sinai. Equally important are the volunteers who take on project responsibilities and committee work,who enhance the spiritual, educational, and social life of our Temple Sinai community.
The current Officers and Board of Directors as of 2024 are:
President — Barbara Rosenstroch
Vice President/President Elect — Carole Skowronski
Vice President — Michael Lawee
Treasurer — Ben Locke
Financial Secretary — Max Freedman
Recording/Corresponding Secretary — Emily Andreano
The current Board of Directors of Temple Sinai as of 2024 are:
David Aronson
Sandra Brenner
Valerie Carolone
Nancy Diaz
Fred Feldman
Lainie Goodman
Larry Lodgen
Brenda Miller
Past presidents of Temple Sinai:
Alan L. Barnett 2021 – 2023
Merle Hyman 2019-2021
Ira Dinnes 2017-2019
Julian Rich 2015-2017
Todd Miller 2013-2015
Myranne Janoff 2011-2013
Michael Silverman 2009-2011
Allen Kamer 2007-2009
Myranne Janoff 2005-2007
Herb Newborn 2003-2005
Ira Dinnes 2001-2003
Jonathan Leamon 1999-2001
Evelyn Kummins 1997-1999
Bruce Barlam 1995-1997
Edward Golden 1993-1995
Claire Sandler 1991-1993
Alan Kalikow 1989-1991
Jessie Lipson 1987-1989
Herbert Zimmerman 1985-1987
Benjamin Weiner 1983-1985
Jack Saval 1981-1983
Sidney Berg 1979 -1981
Jerome Silverlieb 1977-1979
Norman Comins 1975-1977
Arthur Zolot 1973-1975
Samuel Isaacson 1971-1973
Al Zaiger 1969-1971
James Goralnick 1968-1969
Irving Kalikow 1967-1968
Al Backman 1965-1967
Barney Mazonson 1963-1965
Jack White 1961-1963
William Abramowitz 1959-1961
Milton Frish 1957-1959
Morris Cohen 1955-1957
Adrian Comins 1953-1955