Adult education is an integral part of Temple Sinai programming. Life-long learning that meets the diverse needs of our members is the hallmark of our traditional values, enhancing the lives of members, neighbors, and guests from all over the North Shore region.
Our Rabbi, Michael Schwartz, teaches a Monday evening Torah text study class based on the parsha of the week, as well as a Thursday Lunch and Learn focused this year on the Jewish perspective on ethical issues. In recent years, we have sponsored Scholar in Residence programs, inviting renowned speakers such as biblical scholar and academic Dr. Everett Fox and author and student of Eli Wiesel Rabbi Ariel Burger to share their wisdom with us. These programs are open to the public.
With the aid of technology, we have hosted Dr. Lev Cooper, professor at the Pardes Institute in Israel, to speak to us about the challenges of and rabbinic responses to pandemics. When visiting family in our congregation, international Judge Philip Weiner of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina explained the back-story of “How the Jews saved Sarajevo”. Rabbi Ahuva Loewenthal recently explored with us the question “Were Our Sages Prudish?” as she offered multiple ways of reading The Song Of Songs.
An Immigration and Refugee program featured Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, Executive Director of Lawyers for Civil Rights and Lynn Havusha, Employment Specialist and Case Manager at the New American Center in Lynn, who discussed the hardships faced by asylum seekers and immigrants to the United States. They shared personal stories of the ordeals and hurdles experienced by refugees from many countries who now live in the Greater Boston area and told us how we can volunteer to help.
We are always on the lookout for learning opportunities to challenge and give meaning to our lives.
Co-chairs: Merle Hyman and Sandy Brenner