Make a Difference in the Community through the Food Pantry hosted at Temple Sinai
Temple Sinai hosts the Jewish Family and Children’s Services Food Pantry (Family Table) North Shore collection and delivery site. Volunteers pack and deliver food to 87 families on the North Shore on the first Sunday of each month.
Temple Sinai prepares special holiday bags for Purim, Passover, and Chanukah for the Family Table clients. For Shavuot, the festival of the grain harvest, we collect boxes of cereal and display them on the bima during the weeks between the end of Passover and Shavuot. This Boxes on the Bima project provides food for the Marblehead Food Pantry, the Jewish Family Services Family Table, and the Lynn Shelter Association. Our “Kol Nidre Food Drive” has provided food to the food pantries for decades.
Help relieve North Shore food insecurity as a member of Temple Sinai