Shalom Chaverim,
What a week!…We celebrated Tu B’Shevat yesterday. We are observing International Holocaust Remembrance Day with a ceremony at Abbot Hall in Marblehead today at noon and in a special interfaith Kabbalat Shabbat service tonight at 6:00pm at Temple Sinai, while this Shabbat morning is “Shabbat Shira”, the ‘Sabbath of Song.’
Rabbi Batya Ellinoy will help us lead both services this weekend with her singing, making it a Shabbat of truly beautiful singing! Marblehead Select Board Chair Pro-Tempore Moses Grader will speak tonight about International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and Marc Winer will chant the famous ‘Song at the Sea’ during our Torah reading tomorrow morning.
And of course, I know world events are on everyone’s mind, from Israel to New Hampshire to the announcement of Jon Stewart’s return to the Daily Show.
With so much to discuss, I feel this article from Alon Tal who is one of Israel’s leading thinkers and activists on the environment and public policy, offers some important and helpful perspective.

Rabbi Michael Schwartz